Special Message

The Kingdom of God: Already Here and Not Yet

β€œYour kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:10

Our Heavenly Father, we are so thankful that when Jesus came to the earth as a man, he brought Your Kingdom with Him. When He rose from the dead, He gave us the promise that He will never leave nor forsake us. Your promised Kingdom stayed with us and will never leave. Open our eyes to the fact that even though Your Kingdom is here with us because the resurrected Christ is here with us, it will be coming in power when it takes over all other kingdoms. It is already here and not yet. We so rejoice in this good news when we remember how Handel quoted Revelation 11:15 in the Messiah. β€œThe kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever.” We know that the Lord Jesus is now King and we rejoice in the fact that someday He will be coming in all His glory while bringing all His angels and saints with Him. He will occupy His glorious throne and His Kingdom will rule over all. Then He will be loved, known, and worshiped.

Until Your Kingdom replaces all the kingdoms of this world, we pray that Your will may be done in our world. May we be obedient to You and allow all that You desire for this world be accomplished here just as it is now accomplished in heaven. We know that neither elections nor other works of man such as environmental stewardship, judicial pronouncements, lower employment or even feeding the poor will bring about Your Kingdom. These are important, but only when You are loved, obeyed, and believed will Your Kingdom reign.

Grant, O Lord that until Your Kingdom fully arrives, we may live according to Your will and allow You to reign in our hearts. We pray now that You will move in such a way in our land that there will be coming soon a true spirit of repentance and surrender to the Lordship of Christ. May this be true on earth as it is in heaven.

In Jesus’ victorious name, Amen.